Laila Nur/ Laila tul-Qadr/ The Muslims

Still from film “Jihadageddon” 2017 Video 6:31 minutes

Still from film “Jihadageddon”
6:31 minutes



This musically narrated piece, around the fake experience of a fake covering [real] muslim, features Saba Taj wearing Alpha Delta Burqa.

“fuck veil art” and fuck capitalism. and fuck you.

The Muslims be Qadr, FaraH BaHbaH & Abu Shea. TM emerged onto the U.S. punk scene after the inauguration of 45 as a form of resistance and resilience in this new era of white supremacy & islamophobia. 

We just want to eat pizza, be queer, play our music for poc fags, and burn haram-ass laser eye beams through every motherfucker who dehumanizes us for existing.

The lyrics and themes of The Muslims range from classic punk mixes of the Adhan to the funny and dark hardcore anthem displayed here, Jihadageddon: a reclamation of righteous rage towards the absurdity of white supremacy. Cuz it’s fucking absurd.

We refuse to apologize for existing.

We refuse to be nice about it, too.